Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Guide to Healthy, Balanced Living

I received an interesting list of different things to do in order to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle recently and was rather inspired. So, I decided to post a few items on the list to motivate me to live them out as well as to share them generally.

The first lot relate to health matters:
  • drink lots of water
  • eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
  • eat more that grows on plants and less that are manufactured in plants 
  • live with energy, enthusiasm and empathy
  • play more
  • read more
  • give yourselves 10 minutes of silence per day
  • sleep for 7 hours a night
  • take a half hour daily walk with a smile on your face
The next batch of wise words deal with personality issues:
  • don't compare your life with others as you have no idea what each other's journeys are about
  • throw out the negative thoughts about the things you cannot control 
  • know your limits and don't overdo it
  • don't take yourself so seriously
  • don't waste time and energy on gossip
  • dream while you are awake
  • life is too short to waste time hating anyone
  • make peace with the past so that it won't spoil the present
  • you alone are in charge of your happiness
  • life is a school, so realize that you are here to learn and that problems are a part of the curriculum that appear and will fade away, while the lessons will last forever
  • smile and laugh more
  • agree to disagree when necessary - you don't have to win every argument
On issues of society:
  • call your family regularly
  • give something good to others every day
  • forgive frequently
  • spend time with those under the age of 7 and over the age of 70
  • try and make 3 people smile each day
  • what others think of you is not your business
  • your job won't take care of you when you are ill, however your friends will, so keep in touch 
The last few reminders of reality deal with life:
  • do the right thing
  • eliminate what isn't useful, beautiful or joyful from your life
  • no matter how good or bad a situation, it always changes
  • no matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
  • the best is still to come
  • be happy
  • be thankful for life
Enjoy and live them out!


  1. Very interesting Karen. Some of the items on your list are very easily said. A lot of politicians claim to "do the right thing" but how can we "be happy" with most of them. The Desiderata gives a similar perspective.

  2. Thanks Paul. I guess that we need to find contentment in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Change what we can and find a way to work through what we can't change.
