Friday, May 14, 2010

The Bluff Aliens

The close knit community of the Bluff in Durban, KwaZulu Natal is abuzz with nervous excitement over the alleged sightings of giant like forms on the beaches and in the community.
I write this purely from hearsay and have no proof whatsoever, just stories passed on from those who have friends on the Bluff.
According to my source there were three separate incident of “alien” sightings recently on the Bluff. One of the sightings was from a lady who was walking on the beach when she noticed two people far ahead of her on the beach. They were both dressed in long coats and seemed to be rather large. Being a little nervous she decided to leave, but was intrigued because they seemed strange. As she got a little closer she could not see them clearly but noticed that they were extraordinarily tall, like giant men. She did not stick around to check them out.
The second incident was from a young woman who was leaving early in the morning for work while it was still dark. As she drove up her driveway her car suddenly stopped and would not restart. In the beam of the headlights she noticed some huge men in overcoats standing before her. In panic she reached for her mobile phone, but it was dead, so she screamed in terror. Her scream seemed to cause reaction from them and they disappeared into the darkness. As soon as they left, her car started and her phone came back to life.
The final story revolves around someone my contact personally knew. He is a young man who was in the car with some mates one night. One of the guys wanted a smoke, so they stopped the vehicle and he climbed out to puff away on his cigarette. While waiting, the driver turned on the headlights to check that they were safe in the area. Once again, caught in the beam of the headlights were huge beings dressed in long coats. He yelled at his mate to get in the car and the “aliens” vanished in the darkness.
Intriguing and creepy, all at the same time. A part of me believes them and a part of me dismisses it as nonsense. So I decided to google “Bluff Aliens” and found a forum from Africa Aviation where the vast majority of contributors were cynical and making tongue in cheek remarks. I did however find one interesting comment. 
“On the serious side. We get constant calls from that area on the NSRI cell phone for the strange lights sightings offshore. It’s got to a point where we will do nothing about it unless we get more than three separate independent sightings from different points on the bluff.”
I also found a blog by Graham Linscott on the same subject, which makes interesting reading. 

According to my source, there have also been sightings of lights and activity at night at the old unused Naval base in the area.
I have absolutely no idea what to make of it. Most people seem to blame it on what’s being smoked on the Bluff. Whatever it is, it sure generates excitement. Maybe the movie, District 9 wasn’t so far-fetched after all. Perhaps the sequel to District 9 could be called “The Bluff Aliens”.

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