Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Action Netball - the Agony and the Ecstasy

For those who have been following the antics of the Dixie Chicks, the action netball team I belong to, here is an update of our progress.

The Agony
I am reminded of one of my previous blogs about action netball for the over forties. Well, it would seem that agony is par for the course for an over forty prancing around a netball court. Stiff limbs and hurt pride are a usual result at the end of each match. However, it seems that the under forties have suffered just as much. 
One of our younger players has had to pull out due to an ankle injury. She had the cheek to injure herself in the middle of a tight and exciting game, leaving us at the mercy of a young and vicious team. Fortunately, we managed to find a substitute and went on to win the game.
Another player has had a fingernail ripped back during practice causing blood to trickle out making her designer nail look very Gothic. Not good for her sexy little image, at all. To her credit, she was of strong South African stock and practiced on.
A number of players have had tumbles and spills resulting in 'roasties' and bruises all over their bodies. However, the creme' da le creme' has to be yours truly. In true fighter style, not to be outdone by the youngsters, I was desperately clawing my way to victory during a practice on Sunday morning. My able opponent would not be outdone and in the ensuing tussle, I felt myself falling rapidly towards the gravel coating of the tennis court. Remembering my last tumble on the astro-turf and the big graze on my knee, I pulled up my knees and spread out my hands. The next thing I knew was that I was face to face with the gravel. I didn't graze my knees, but I tumbled forward on to my face and kissed the dirt. Ouch. Blood flowed. Oohs and ahs were said, water was produced and then our very compassionate captain promptly yelled that it was time to continue practice. So, continue we did, even though I looked like a swollen lipped monster.

The Ecstasy
Enough of the hardships. What of the ecstasy? Well, as mentioned before in my ramblings of action netball, there is nothing quite like winning and it has been a joy of major proportions to have won a number of games at last. Where we once were bottom of the lowest league, we now sit in third place and may even make the semi finals. And that, my friends, makes it all worthwhile, although I must admit I thought that I would have lost a few kilos by now.

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