Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Does Crime Pay?

I woke up this morning to hear the news on the radio that our local supermarket had been robbed by 3 car loads of thugs in the early hours of the morning. I live in Gauteng Province, also dubbed "Gangster Paradise" by many and have had 2 experiences with thieves and survived to compare horror stories at dinner parties.

Worldwide Escalating Crime Stats

So many South Africans have fled to distant shores already to find a better quality of life, yet I wonder. I have travelled extensively and still love the nation I was born in, despite the crime. I do not see a crime free existence in Britain or the United States when I watch CNN and Sky News, instead I see escalating crime statistics.

Living in South Africa

Living in South Africa raises a nation of entrepreneurial, resilient and street-wise people. People who know how to go the distance, who know what it is to work hard and achieve, and who live fully alive every moment that they are alive. Anyone brought up in South Africa has had ample training to live anywhere in the world. South Africans are used to diversity, and although there are the few extremists who spoil everything, generally the Rainbow Nation lives up to it's picture of different cultures living side by side.

Challenges abound and crime is a royal pain in the ass, but crime will eventually have it's day and the real men and women of the nation will stand tall!

Let's hear what you have to say.

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